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Unified Email Management

Email is central to all organisations and has become the most essential business application of all. As a result, the ability to continuously protect, store, manage and archive great volumes of Email is now a key business issue.

Many organisations have implemented Microsoft® Exchange and other collaboration tools for business critical messaging. Of course over time, new threats and data governance issues emerge which require additional functionality to be added onto the original messaging platform. The entire email infrastructure becomes too

costly to manage, maintain and upgrade, even for the most well equipped IT departments.

Achieving Unified Email Management with Mimecast.

Mimecast changes this picture completely. It provides everything an enterprise needs in a ready-to-use online Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, removing the growing risks and complexities of business email management with a single platform. Better yet, it comes at a fraction of the cost of alternative strategies, saving

companies as much as 60% in ongoing costs.

Connecting a corporate email server to Mimecast delivers critical software services as well as the physical network, computing and storage infrastructure needed to deliver comprehensive Unified Email Management.

Mimecast allows an organization’s IT team to shift their focus from the unproductive management of the individual technical components to the wider business needs of their organisation.

Benefits at-a-glance:

1. Ease of use. - A 100% unified solution provides a single browser-based administration console, enabling the IT team to easily control all their email management requirements.

2. No email downtime. - Experience ‘always on email’, with 100% email uptime during outages, delivered directly within Microsoft Outlook®, web or mobile devices.

3. Cost savings. - Achieve typical savings of at least 60% over alternative approaches to email management.

4. Enhanced control. - A multi-tenant platform provides real-time policy management and instant configurability of all email support services including forensic track and trace.

5. Rapid deployment. - The solution can be provisioned and deployed within hours.

6. Lower risk. - Gain advanced techniques for providing a robust and intelligent email security solution.

7. Speed and scalability. - A unique storage grid technology offers a high-performance service for long-term storage, search, compliance and information management.

Key features:

Data retention and eDiscovery

• A single searchable view across an enterprise’s entire global email data.

Business continuity

• Emergency email facilities are instantly available during the failure of a customer’s local email infrastructure.

• Recover messages for end users that may have been deleted or lost accidentally.

• Mimecast Services for Microsoft Outlook seamlessly delivers messages to users’ inboxes during outages.


dvanced email security

• Advanced reputation-based tests determine known-good and known-bad senders, achieving a high level of accuracy.

• A Data Leak Prevention (DLP) system allows administrators to set policies to detect key confidential or restricted information within emails and attachments.

• Users proactively manage their own lists of senders to ensure optimal performance.

Visibility and reporting

• Access extensive reports for viewing email volumes over a period of time including number of messages sent and received, top senders, and data volumes.

All of these features are delivered through an advanced storage grid system with the policy-based retention of emails in a secure message warehouse.

If you would like to see how Mimecast can benefit your business, contact us for a free consultation.

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